Time To Clean Up Your Portfolio...

Has this ever happened to you?

  1. Market pulls back

  2. You get caught overleveraged

  3. You get stopped out

  4. Market continues to rip the following day

  5. You say, “I should've held…"

Let’s try to avoid that this time. 

You've heard of it from the legend Warren Buffett, "Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy only when others are fearful."

Guess what?... 👀


If you haven’t figured it out yet, the market is on pace to take back ALL of the gains from earlier this year. 

Yes, it’s possible. 

Think about it for a second…

The market rallied on the hopes of 6+ rate cuts. Since the recent highs, the market has been pricing out the possibility of rate cuts and is now going for the death blow of nearly pricing them ALL out, even talking about a possible rate hike! 

Along with the current geopolitical tensions, today’s price action makes PERFECT SENSE, and an attempt to retrace the ENTIRE year’s gains shouldn’t be out of the question either. 

That said, all it would take is some restored rhetoric around rate cuts, and we could see a sharp recovery. 

So, what does that mean today?

It means NOW is the time to raise some $$$ and get ready to buy. Pull out the Black Friday ads and start circling. 

Get ready for the sales because they’re coming!

Look for the best deals. The bigger the discount (assuming it’s a good product 😜), the better. Too big a discount, and something may be afoot 🧐

It wouldn’t make sense to go to Best Buy on Black Friday only to buy something that wasn’t on sale, would it? 🤷

Don’t be that guy…

A couple of standout stocks on sale today: 


If your plan is to stick with the AI theme, some of those stocks (you know the ones I’m talking about) may need more time to come back to earth AFTER they report, not before. 

Here are some solid names we’ll be watching for buying opportunities:


Some underdogs to watch:


However, I'd avoid niche players for a while. This volatility may stick around longer, and these names won’t be fun to hold on to.

Take some time and methodically plan it out, then slowly start positioning yourself...

Just like we do in our private group. 🤭

I’ll talk to you soon. 

Rooting for you,

Paper Gains.

P.S. We’ll be reopening the School of Gains soon. 🎉 🎉 🎉 

It is our most complete trading program for you to be constantly profitable…

It’s not open yet, though, but I’ll keep you updated. 😎