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  • Why daily goals are BAD for traders…

Why daily goals are BAD for traders…

I don’t want you to walk into the same trap that countless new traders fall for…

As a trader with 16+ of experience, focusing too much on money goals before building a solid foundation of trading skills is NOT the way to go.

It's a recipe for disappointment and frustration.

Here's the truth: you can't make significant profits consistently in trading until you have honed your skills.

Think about it for a second… 

Say your daily goal is $200

What if you have a really nice trade and make $150?

You’re going to take another trade to make another $50, but is that trade worth the additional risk? 

There’s a good possibility it won’t be, but you're so focused on your daily goal that you take the trade and lose money, and now you’re stuck looking for another trade to try and get back what you lost. 

These seemingly “harmless” daily goals inflict an emotion that’s just NOT beneficial to traders.

Either you find yourself forcing trades or cutting winners far too early because you did hit your goal.

Think like a professional trader. 

The professionals are focused on the process of trading, while the typical trader either has no awareness of the process or maybe just doesn’t like it.

However, they’re obsessed with the outcome…

Where do you fall?

Your primary focus should be on developing your abilities as a trader.

It’s okay to have goals as a trader, but your goals should be focused on things like:

  • I will only take trades that fit my strategy

  • I will keep my size consistent

  • I will stay patient when there are no setups

  • I will manage my trades based on the charts, NOT by watching my P&L

When your goals are focused on the process of trading, the outcomes take care of themselves.

Remember, consistency is key. 🔑

So, what should you do right now? 

Take action and focus on developing your trading and the execution of those skills

Study your setups, practice risk management, and refine your strategies

Size is EARNED, and when you’ve earned it, profits will come, NOT before.

Build your skills first, and the money will follow.

Stay focused, stay disciplined, and keep honing your craft. That's the path to trading success.

Let me show you the path for this week. Here’s my…

Rooting for you,

Paper Gains.